A New Site...

...a new blog, and a new chapter in my writerly life.

I'll get around to importing the previous blog's contents...someday. Let's face it, I'm a terrible blogger.

In any event, if you're new to my work, hello! And if you're an old friend, thanks for following me here, and keeping tabs on what I'm up to. 2014 was a quiet year, compared to the hustle and bustle of 2013. Still, I accomplished quite a bit, and there's more to come.

This next weekend I'll be at Storycon here in the Portland Metro area (see storyconvention.com for info). Come down and say hello. I'll be running the "On the Shoulders of Giants" panel, which is all about helping readers to find something good to devour, and not just my own fiction.

Before I log off, please consider signing up for the newsletter above. It's how I'll be communicating largely going forth, concerning new projects, new fiction, or what I'm up to. Don't worry-I promise to keep it relatively infrequent.

